Function rustix::process::waitpid
pub fn waitpid(pid: Option<Pid>, waitopts: WaitOptions) -> io::Result<Option<WaitStatus>>
The portability is definied by:
#[cfg(not(target_os = "wasi"))]
waitpid(pid, waitopts)
—Wait for a specific process to change state.
If the pid is None
, the call will wait for any child process whose
process group id matches that of the calling process.
If the pid is equal to RawPid::MAX
, the call will wait for any child
Otherwise if the wrapping_neg
of pid is less than pid, the call will wait
for any child process with a group ID equal to the wrapping_neg
of pid
Otherwise, the call will wait for the child process with the given pid.
On Success, returns the status of the selected process.
was specified in the options, and the selected child process
didn’t change state, returns None