Module rustix::io


I/O operations.


epoll support.


O_* constants for use with dup2.

The error type for rustix APIs.

The EFD_* flags accepted by eventfd.

MAP_* flags for use with mmap.

MLOCK_* flags for use with mlock_with.

PROT_* flags for use with mprotect.

MREMAP_* flags for use with mremap.

MS_* flags for use with msync.

A wrapper around io_lifetimes::OwnedFd which closes the file descriptor using rustix’s own close rather than libc’s close.

O_* constants for use with pipe_with.

struct pollfd—File descriptor and flags for use with poll.

POLL* flags for use with poll.

PROT_* flags for use with mmap.

RWF_* constants for use with preadv2 and pwritev2.

The O_* flags accepted by userfaultfd.


POSIX_MADV_* constants for use with madvise.


close This function is unsafe to use

close(raw_fd)—Closes a RawFd directly.

dup not(target_os = "wasi")

dup(fd)—Creates a new OwnedFd instance that shares the same underlying file description as fd.

dup2 not(target_os = "wasi")

dup2(fd, new)—Creates a new OwnedFd instance that shares the same underlying file description as the existing OwnedFd instance, closing new and reusing its file descriptor.

dup2_with not(target_os = "wasi")

dup3(fd, new, flags)—Creates a new OwnedFd instance that shares the same underlying file description as the existing OwnedFd instance, closing new and reusing its file descriptor, with flags.

eventfd(initval, flags)—Creates a file descriptor for event notification.

ioctl_blkpbszget any(target_os = "android", target_os = "linux")

ioctl(fd, BLKPBSZGET)—Returns the physical block size of a block device.

ioctl_blksszget any(target_os = "android", target_os = "linux")

ioctl(fd, BLKSSZGET)—Returns the logical block size of a block device.

ioctl(fd, FIONBIO, &value)—Enables or disables non-blocking mode.

ioctl_fionread not(any(windows, target_os = "redox"))

ioctl(fd, FIONREAD)—Returns the number of bytes ready to be read.

ioctl_tcgets not(any(windows, target_os = "wasi"))

ioctl(fd, TCGETS)—Get terminal attributes.

ioctl_tiocexcl any(linux_raw, all(libc, not(any(windows, target_os = "redox", target_os = "wasi"))))

ioctl(fd, TIOCEXCL)—Enables exclusive mode on a terminal.

ioctl_tiocgwinsz not(any(windows, target_os = "wasi"))

ioctl(fd, TIOCGWINSZ)—Get the current terminal window size.

ioctl_tiocnxcl any(linux_raw, all(libc, not(any(windows, target_os = "redox", target_os = "wasi"))))

ioctl(fd, TIOCNXCL)—Disables exclusive mode on a terminal.

Returns a pair of booleans indicating whether the file descriptor is readable and/or writable, respectively.

isatty(fd)—Tests whether a file descriptor refers to a terminal.

madvise This function is unsafe to use

posix_madvise(addr, len, advice)—Declares an expected access pattern for a memory-mapped file.

mlock This function is unsafe to use

mlock(ptr, len)—Lock memory into RAM.

mlock_with This function is unsafe to use any(linux_raw, all(libc, any(target_os = "android", target_os = "linux")))

mlock2(ptr, len, flags)—Lock memory into RAM, with flags.

mmap This function is unsafe to use

mmap(ptr, len, prot, flags, fd, offset)—Create a file-backed memory mapping.

mmap_anonymous This function is unsafe to use

mmap(ptr, len, prot, MAP_ANONYMOUS | flags, -1, 0)—Create an anonymous memory mapping.

mprotect This function is unsafe to use

mprotect(ptr, len, flags)

mremap This function is unsafe to use any(linux_raw, all(libc, target_os = "linux"))

mremap(old_address, old_size, new_size, flags)—Resize, modify, and/or move a memory mapping.

mremap_fixed This function is unsafe to use any(linux_raw, all(libc, target_os = "linux"))

mremap(old_address, old_size, new_size, MREMAP_FIXED | flags)—Resize, modify, and/or move a memory mapping to a specific address.

msync This function is unsafe to use

msync(addr, len, flags)—Declares an expected access pattern for a memory-mapped file.

munlock This function is unsafe to use

munlock(ptr, len)—Unlock memory.

munmap This function is unsafe to use

munmap(ptr, len)

pipe()—Creates a pipe.

pipe_with not(any(target_os = "ios", target_os = "macos"))

pipe2(flags)—Creates a pipe, with flags.

poll(self.fds, timeout)

pread(fd, buf, offset)—Reads from a file at a given position.

preadv not(target_os = "redox")

preadv(fd, bufs, offset)—Reads from a file at a given position into multiple buffers.

preadv2 any(linux_raw, all(libc, any(target_os = "android", target_os = "linux")))

preadv2(fd, bufs, offset, flags)—Reads data, with several options.

pwrite(fd, bufs)—Writes to a file at a given position.

pwritev not(target_os = "redox")

pwritev(fd, bufs, offset)—Writes to a file at a given position from multiple buffers.

pwritev2 any(linux_raw, all(libc, any(target_os = "android", target_os = "linux")))

pwritev2(fd, bufs, offset, flags)—Writes data, with several options.

read(fd, buf)—Reads from a stream.

readv(fd, bufs)—Reads from a stream into multiple buffers.

stderr This function is unsafe to use

STDERR_FILENO—Standard error, borrowed.

stdin This function is unsafe to use

STDIN_FILENO—Standard input, borrowed.

stdout This function is unsafe to use

STDOUT_FILENO—Standard output, borrowed.

take_stderr This function is unsafe to use

STDERR_FILENO—Standard error, owned.

take_stdin This function is unsafe to use

STDIN_FILENO—Standard input, owned.

take_stdout This function is unsafe to use

STDOUT_FILENO—Standard output, owned.

userfaultfd This function is unsafe to use


Call f until it either succeeds or fails other than Error::INTR.

write(fd, buf)—Writes to a stream.

writev(fd, bufs)—Writes to a stream from multiple buffers.

Type Definitions

A specialized Result type for rustix APIs.

struct termios for use with ioctl_tcgets.

struct winsize for use with ioctl_tiocgwinsz.


ICANON any(linux_raw, all(libc, not(any(windows, target_os = "wasi"))))


PIPE_BUF any(linux_raw, all(libc, not(any(windows, target_os = "illumos", target_os = "redox", target_os = "wasi"))))

PIPE_BUF—The maximum length at which writes to a pipe are atomic.