Module nix::sys::inotify
The portability is definied by:
#[cfg(any(target_os = "android", target_os = "linux"))]
Monitoring API for filesystem events.
Inotify is a Linux-only API to monitor filesystems events.
For more documentation, please read inotify(7).
Monitor all events happening in directory “test”:
// We create a new inotify instance.
let instance = Inotify::init(InitFlags::empty()).unwrap();
// We add a new watch on directory "test" for all events.
let wd = instance.add_watch("test", AddWatchFlags::IN_ALL_EVENTS).unwrap();
loop {
// We read from our inotify instance for events.
let events = instance.read_events().unwrap();
println!("Events: {:?}", events);
Configuration options for inotify_add_watch
Configuration options for inotify_init1
An inotify instance. This is also a file descriptor, you can feed it to other interfaces consuming file descriptors, epoll for example.
A single inotify event.
This object is returned when you create a new watch on an inotify instance. It is then returned as part of an event once triggered. It allows you to know which watch triggered which event.