Crate rustix


rustix provides efficient memory-safe and I/O-safe wrappers to POSIX-like, Unix-like, Linux, and Winsock2 syscall-like APIs, with configurable backends.

With rustix, you can write code like this:

let nread: usize = rustix::net::recv(&sock, buf, RecvFlags::PEEK)?;

instead of like this:

let nread: usize = unsafe {
    match libc::recv(
        sock.as_raw_fd() as _,
        buf.len().try_into().unwrap_or(i32::MAX as _),
    ) {
        -1 => return Err(std::io::Error::last_os_error()),
        nread => nread as usize,

rustix’s APIs perform the following tasks:

  • Error values are translated to Results.
  • Buffers are passed as Rust slices.
  • Out-parameters are presented as return values.
  • Path arguments use Arg, so they accept any string type.
  • File descriptors are passed and returned via AsFd and OwnedFd instead of bare integers, ensuring I/O safety.
  • Constants use enums and bitflags types.
  • Multiplexed functions (eg. fcntl, ioctl, etc.) are de-multiplexed.
  • Variadic functions (eg. openat, etc.) are presented as non-variadic.
  • Functions and types which need l prefixes or 64 suffixes to enable large-file support are used automatically, and file sizes and offsets are presented as i64 and u64.
  • Behaviors that depend on the sizes of C types like long are hidden.
  • In some places, more human-friendly and less historical-accident names are used (and documentation aliases are used so that the original names can still be searched for).

Things they don’t do include:

  • Detecting whether functions are supported at runtime.
  • Hiding significant differences between platforms.
  • Restricting ambient authorities.
  • Imposing sandboxing features such as filesystem path or network address sandboxing.

See cap-std, system-interface, and io-streams for libraries which do hide significant differences between platforms, and cap-std which does perform sandboxing and restricts ambient authorities.


Export *Fd* types and traits that used in rustix’s public API.

ffi not(windows)

Utilities related to FFI bindings.

fs not(windows)

Filesystem operations.

I/O operations.

net not(any(target_os = "redox", target_os = "wasi"))

Network-related operations.

path not(windows)

Filesystem path operations.

process not(windows)

Process-associated operations.

rand not(windows)

Random-related operations.

thread not(windows)

Thread-associated operations.

time not(windows)

Time-related operations.


A macro for ZStr literals.